The producers of "Inside Business Report" are pleased to announce a special series, "Medical Minutes", highlighting the profound impact of science and technology in medicine and healthcare.
The advances are growing exponentially. Breakthrough medical technologies are able to detect diseases earlier and offer new, more effective treatment options for leading causes of disability and mortality, such as heart disease, cancer and other illnesses. Advances in device miniaturization and nanotechnology, molecular and gene-based diagnostics, information technology, artificial organs and tissue engineering promise to provide innovative solutions to some of the most persistent and debilitating health care problems. Over the years, medical technology innovations have led to decreases in the number of disabled Americans, increases in outpatient and minimally invasive surgical procedures, and shorter hospital stays.

And yet, despite the costliest system of healthcare in the world, the American healthcare industry ranks frustratingly low on a number of basic health-related measures. How can this be? "Inside Business Report" investigates and searches for solutions to this enigma.

Topics for the "Medical Minutes" series include:

• Leading Developments in Healthcare Practice Management
• Reshaping the Business of Healthcare through Modern Technology
• Leading Developments in Medical Laser Technology
• Leading Developments in Innovative Medical Solutions
• Behind-the-Scenes of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Development
• Behind-the-Scenes of Technology Commercialization
• From Innovative Technology to Commercial Application
• EMRs and the Changing Face of Healthcare Technology
• Early Disease Detection
• Rising Healthcare Costs Solutions
• Behind-the-Scenes of Drug Discovery and Development
• Improving Patent Care Through Innovative Healthcare Technology
• Software Solutions for the Increasing Complexity of Healthcare Management
• Emerging Trends in Personalized Medicine
• Tomorrow's Health Solutions Today
• Developments in Medical Procedures

"Inside Business Report" identifies business-to-business stories for television and Internet content, and educates viewers on a wide-variety of emerging concepts. As a powerful engine of change, "Inside Business Report" broadens perspectives, erases boundaries and opens up new avenues for progress. With fresh content interlaced throughout each series, viewers will gain insight on opportunities for their families, businesses, lifestyles, and financial futures. For more information, please visit