The producers of "Inside Business Report" are pleased to announce a special series, "Doing Business in a Global Economy", exploring the ever-changing challenges of operating in a business environment that transcends borders, spans continents and traverses oceans. The show marries an unrivaled host, Fred Thompson, with a team of award-winning producers, and provides viewers new information that will impact their lives.

The Editorial Board of Inside Business Report is constantly exploring the trends that shape business today and tomorrow. One of those trends has become increasingly paramount in our estimation: In fact, it may be the defining economic trend of our age. The nation-state, as the essential economic-political institution, is steadily losing dominion over the international flow of people, goods, funds, and technology.
Yes, corporate America should strive to "take of care of its own". But the appeals to patriotism and to "buy America" may be receding further into the past as the U.S. recognizes its future is inextricably tied to that of its trading partners.

Topics for the "Doing Business in a Global Economy" series include:

• Emerging Leaders in Economic Development for the 21st Century
• Essential Strategies for Effective Event Planning

"Inside Business Report" identifies business-to-business stories for television and Internet content, and educates viewers on a wide-variety of emerging concepts. As a powerful engine of change, "Inside Business Report" broadens perspectives, erases boundaries and opens up new avenues for progress. With fresh content interlaced throughout each series, viewers will gain insight on opportunities for their families, businesses, lifestyles, and financial futures. For more information, please visit