The producers of "Inside Business Report" are pleased to announce a special series, "Investment Strategies", exploring the latest trends in investment in the global economic era. The show marries an unrivaled host, Fred Thompson, with a team of award-winning producers, and provides viewers new information that will impact their lives.
The "business of America is business", and investment is the lynchpin upon which the U.S.'s economic superstructure is built. Never have the options been so varied, the opportunities so vast, and the consequences as great as in today's financial markets. The ambitious entrepreneur and the well-informed investor each must remain abreast of ever-changing business trends, and "Inside Business Report" has endeavored to educate and inform them both.
Topics for the "Investment Strategies" series include:
• Making the Right Investment in Changing Economic Times
• Undiscovered/ Undervalued Investment Gems
• Meeting the Challenges of Today's Economy: Wealth Management Solutions
• Innovative Methods for Improving Cash Flow
• Mapping Your Financial Future
"Inside Business Report" identifies business-to-business stories for television and Internet content, and educates viewers on a wide-variety of emerging concepts. As a powerful engine of change, "Inside Business Report" broadens perspectives, erases boundaries and opens up new avenues for progress. With fresh content interlaced throughout each series, viewers will gain insight on opportunities for their families, businesses, lifestyles, and financial futures. For more information, please visit