Moscow city public prosecutor's office established the fact that 25-year old patient Bohmat D.S. of Alexeeva named mental hospital ? 1 died at in-patient psychiatric facility because of acute myocardial infarction and pneumonia, caused by complications of acute heart failure. Death came on February 3rd 2010. Bohmat D.S wasn‘t given a proper somatic examination and didn‘t get a proper medical aid in mental hospital where he was for 19 days. 21st Department chief' Saakova L.I. of Alexeeva named mental hospital ? 1, who was the attending medical doctor of Bohmat D.S. received a reprimand. Meantime the question of necessity of the inspection in concordance with Russian Federation code of criminal procedure is up in the air.
      According to people who were in the same psychiatric department with Bohmat D.S, Bohmat D.S started to complain of all-overishness almost the same time he arrived to mental house. He said he breath with difficulty. On February 2nd probably the amphibolic stage started — he started to gasp. After he was taken the temperature, which was more then 39 degrees, Bohmat was given the aspirin, but wasn't done anything else, most probably, thinking that his physical condition was caused by «mental disease». Bohmat D.S. did let know the mental hospital personnel that he felt terribly bad, gasped, but the personnel ignored his complaints.
      According to eyewitness, Bohmat suffered whole night, but nobody from personnel didn‘t even come up to him. In the morning he was in so bad condition, that the personnel of mental hospital had to call emergency. Arrived emergency team did the electric stimulation of the heart activity, but didn‘t manage to save the patient
      Citizens Commission on Human Rights insists, that each person that happened to become a mental house patient was afford an opportunity for a proper, scientific reliable examination and treatment of a real physical diseases, before the psychiatric measures are taken.