Weight loss pill Reductil is under appraisal process by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is a Government agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and is in charge for regulating and supervising the safety of foods, tobacco products, dietary supplements, Medication drugs, vaccines, Biopharmaceutical, blood transfusion, medical devices, Electromagnetic radiation emitting devices, veterinary products, and cosmetics. FDA always reviews every approved medication after certain period of time for the safety concern of the people, so if you are using reductil or you have already used it no need to be overly concerned about weight loss medication. In fact the other record breaking sold weight loss diet pill Xenical in the United Kingdom is also in review progression by the FDA.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has embarked on an expedited examination into potential side effects of Reductil, a weight loss medication that may reason for higher number of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks, strokes, resuscitated cardiac arrest or death. This clinical trial involved the comparison of data for Reductil helped weight loss with non Reductil helped weight loss in around 10,000 overweight or obese people who had a medical history of heart disease and type II diabetes.

The outcomes of the clinical trial illustrated that heart problem raised in 11.4% of those patients given Reductil compared to only 10% in those patients given a placebo Drug. This 1.4% difference could be explained away by the vague nature of clinical trials but the FDA which conceit itself on being one of the most strict health authoritarian agencies in the world has strong-willed to study further to be on the safety of the medication.

Reductil should be avoided if you have medical history of “coronary artery disease, congestive HF, arrhythmias or stroke”. Reductil is only taken after prescription by the physician.