
1/1 Outreach Ministries (OCM) Inc., is a faith-predicted non-denominational organization that helps people make a strong connection with God with the help of the Gospel, the Bible, and daily prayers. The organization is non-profit and doesn’t charge to spread the Gospel. 1/1 OCM is now raising funds to buy a van in order to spread the word of God.

The success of 1/1 OCM Inc. is not based on the number of people that positively respond to their services but on reaching all the organization's encounters with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The organization is all set to continue serving its communities throughout the state and looks forward to growing alongside the neighboring areas. 1/1 OCM’s offers many programs designed to facilitate overall well-being and quality of life for individuals and families in need. The organization is now raising funds to procure a ministry vehicle. This vehicle will be used by the Christian ministry to travel to different parts of the US and spread the word out to the masses. The goal for this fundraiser is set to $3000, which will be used for purchasing a van.

11ocmpsa was established to help people win spiritually and believe in God no matter the circumstances. To this end, the organization has designed a variety of programs that enable people to run to Jesus Christ and not panic at all.

The organization is open to anyone to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, and its ultimate goal is to positively impact multiple lives. As the faith-dominated organization continues to grow and expand its reach, they remain committed to the mission of bringing hope and healing to all those who are in need.

The 1/1 OCM’s strategy focuses on providing programs and services that holistically address the needs of the mind, body, and soul. The organization is dedicated to excellence in all that they do and are committed to building relationships with those they serve. And to your surprise, the organization is grateful for people's support as they work to impact their communities for Christ.

The 1/1 Outreach Christian Ministries is a faith-based organization that is dedicated to teaching sound doctrine. The organization believes that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, and the organization also strives to share this message with as many people as possible. The organization wants to help more people and have them win in this life and afterlife as well.

In addition, the organization also provides support and guidance for those who have already decided to follow Christ. Their ultimate goal is to help people experience the joy and peace that comes from a relationship with God.

The organization is dedicated to teaching the Bible and has people closer to God, free from gimmicks or false promises. The organization and Gospel spreaders believe that truth is essential, both in personal lives and in relationships with others. Connecting with them helps people live according to biblical principles and gain inspiration to share the gospel with as many people as possible. The organization invites everyone to join on this journey as they seek to follow Christ together.

Moreover, the organization is all set to get started on the voyage around the world and spread the Bible's message and Gospel to people who are seeking Faith. The organization is quite professional in spreading the faith. If anyone wants to participate in faithful work, we highly encourage them to go ahead.

The organization is always looking for individuals who want to volunteer their time and effort to help spread the Gospel. If anyone has the passion for Christ and wants to share love with others, then they are welcomed to join the team. The organization has big and small tasks. Whether anybody has a special talent or skill that they think would be useful, they would be grateful for their support. If anybody is interested in volunteering, don't hesitate to get in touch with the organization.

About 1/1 OCM:
1/1 OCM Inc. is a non-profit organization that helps people build strong faith in God and follow the right path. The organization helps people form a great spiritual connection with the Creator using the Bible teachings and everyday meditation and prayers. Moreover, the organization is also looking to start a voyage in which they will travel around the world to spread the Gospel and help as many people as they can. The purpose is to help people come out of the world's attractions and come closer to God forgetting all the chaos of the world.

Contact Information:
Person name: Valyncia Jefferson (VP) and Nakia Trader (President)
Company: 1/1 Outreach Ministries Inc
Address: Dover, Delaware, 19903
Phone: 302 515 7042