The Healthcare practice at MarketsandMarkets is pleased to announce its Analyst Briefing Presentation on the Global Neurostimulation Market to be held on 8th Oct.

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The global market for neurostimulation products is expected to be worth $3.6 billion in 2009. Spinal cord stimulator forms the largest segment of this market with estimated annual revenue of $2.5 billion in 2009; followed by the deep brain stimulator market with an estimated $520 million in the same year.

The neurostimulation market is driven mainly by technology advancements, rising consumer awareness, rising age-related neurological disorders, improved clinical outcomes, long-term cost-effectiveness, increased FDA approvals for clinical trials, and the development of sophisticated implantable neurostimulation devices. Currently, there is a huge influx of new players entering into the market, thus leading to increased investments and R&D activities.

This analyst briefing focuses on the neurostimulation market over the period 2009-2014.The agenda for the briefing includes discussion on key high growth market, marking the growth trend in the product, application, and technology market for neurostimulation. Furthermore, a briefing will be conducted on the competitive scenario and geographic opportunities for the similar topic. It analyzes the major opportunities for the global neurostimulation market; and also evaluates the major trends in the macro- and micro-markets with respect to different geographic regions.

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