Sleep Deprivation and Brain Damage

Sleep deprivation and brain damage are directly linked, especially in the case of adolescents, where sleep deprivation causes a hindrance in the development of important neurons in the brain, which results in brain damage and lasting mental illnesses which are...

Is Franchising – a Comfort or Source of Conflict

Franchising is today's most common way of starting a business. When conditions are favorable, it is a win-win scenario for both the franchisor and its franchisees. The franchisor is given the opportunity to enter new market areas and the chance to gain more sales and...

Iraq Economy: Oil Still Reigns

Iraq's economy and the Iraqi dinar rely heavily on its oil sector, which accounts for 90 percent of the country's foreign earnings. Currently, Iraq produces an average of 2.7 million barrels a day with 2.2 million barrels of this production being exported daily. The...

The Practice of Sleeping Alone

The topic of sleep and sleep problems has been common these days. You can hear discussions regarding sleep medicine even in radios. Recently the National Public Radio decided to broadcast several sleep discussions about a number of sleep aids available including...