Dr. Lorien Pratt and Mark Zangari, authors of the upcoming book, “Principles of Decision Engineering”, help middle to large organizations revolutionize the way decisions are made. Pratt and Zangari‘s innovative decision visualization methodology not only speeds up the decision-making process, but also radically improves decision quality and effectiveness. Their approach creates a better shared understanding amongst decision makers as well as between them and other employees.

Pratt and Zangari are coming to Asia to host two seminars to give special previews of the key concepts and practical examples that arise from a recent study with more than 61 organizations around the world. Building on this study, along with decades of experience as consultants and researchers in decision making, Pratt and Zangari will discuss systematic pitfalls encountered by decision makers across multiple industries. They will also share a structured paradigm for decision-making best practices.

This approach leads to significant improvements in the rigor, quality, efficiency, and organizational alignment possible around both strategic and tactical decisions.
Tour Dates of Dr. Lorien Pratt and Mark Zangari:
• 13-14 Oct 2009, Singapore
• 20-21 Oct 2009, Malaysia

Pratt and Zangari hinted that they will go beyond the theories to breakout sessions and hands-on exercises to help attendees visualize the decision-making process through the use of touch screens and proprietary 3D visualization software. Participants will learn by reviewing historical case studies and through practicing the techniques being taught on problems faced in their own organizations.

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Web: www.effectivedecisionmaking.net

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