The running of a business requires a lot of attention spread over several areas. As a business grows an IT department is often put together, but with the mass of hardware, software, switches, and servers it’s near impossible for the employees in a business to monitor it all. Utilizing managed network services for network monitoring will provide enormous benefits for companies of all sizes. Below we have outlined some of the prime benefits of network monitoring along with what you can expect from managed security services.

What Is Network Monitoring?
Network monitoring is a service provided by a managed IT service provider where the network devices are continuously observed. Specialized IT tools are used to monitor the performance of the network which means that IT departments don’t have to. Because monitoring is one of the service providers managed services Nottingham, it can be done remotely no matter where the network is located.

Access Control And Increased Security
Security is a major IT component for businesses and network monitoring is able to dramatically increase security by controlling network access. Managed security services like network monitoring can secure the system by enabling encrypted authentication. This will result in a secure login process for every employee. Customized user access is one of the most adopted managed security services by businesses as it can limit the access of employees to restricted areas. Not only does customized user access make the network more secure but it also reduces employee error. Some managed services are able to install a tool that creates patches for security holes. Security threats will probably always be an issue, but with a patch tool, alerts are sent as soon as there is a breach which enables rapid security response of increased measures. Managed network services and managed security services work side by side to provide and maintain a secure network with the use of monitoring.

IT Relief
If the monitoring of the network were solely down to the IT department, they would have little time for much else due to the extensive manual search that’s required for observing the network. Monitoring, while it is mostly a preventative technique, is highly beneficial for employees as it frees them from this type of task and enables them to concentrate on other important issues. Without the use of specialized monitoring tools, IT departments don’t usually have enough visibility to correctly monitor the performance of the network meaning that the prevention of issues rarely happens. Managed network services have the necessary tools for effectively monitoring the network preventing downtime.

Issue Prevention
Network downtime is an issue that all businesses want to minimize and with managed network services the risk of downtime is significantly reduced. There are a number of things that can cause network downtime from configuration issues and human error to environmental elements all of which are extremely hard to prevent without the implementation of network monitoring. Using managed security services will maintain the systems security and when monitoring is introduced live data of the network’s performance is easily visible. This information is then used to prevent downtime by clearly highlighting areas that are causing dips in the network’s performance.

A Speedy Recovery
The invasive monitoring tools that are available with managed network services make the solving of a majority of issues very simple. Live network maps identify where the problems are which enables them to be repaired or fixed much quicker. Status windows display a timeframe of the networks performance scale, so you know precisely when any issue began. Advanced network monitoring includes the use of network automation tools which are incredibly helpful in getting the network back to prime working order. These tools have the ability to fix errors over the network without having to do it manually.

There are numerous managed network services and managed security services available for businesses both large and small. Speaking with an IT Support Nottingham will gain insight to the best services and tools for your business’s needs.