Daniel Footwear, established in 1993, has flourished over the years and now has stores in over seventeen different cities across the country. To celebrate their success, they have decided to revamp their website and offer customers a more lavish online shopping experience.

The customers‘ needs are a number one priority for high street retailers and having an understanding of what shoppers want is imperative. It is easy to create the right atmosphere in a high street store with a smiling face, music and lights. At one glance, customers are also presented with a huge array of choice, colours and sizes and are able to purchase matching accessories to go with their footwear.

In the online world, a customer‘s shopping experience is very different. Customers do not have the option to pick up products and feel the texture of the material or try on products before they buy. However, even though online shopping does not involve face to face interaction, it is still important that shoppers feel comfortable, secure and find this form of purchasing easy.

Daniel Footwear's new website provides everything a customer needs in an online shopping environment. With a fresh and clean cut design, the site now makes shopping for shoes and accessories a lot easier and more efficient. The products are split into defined categories and it is very easy to navigate around the site. If you are buying a pair of shoes but need a matching handbag then you will be able to find one with ease. Also if you are worried about buying the wrong size footwear, you‘ll be pleased to hear that Daniel Footwear offer free returns on all their shoes.

As customers are not able to communicate with sales staff outside of office hours, the addition of customer reviews makes it easy for customers to read other people's views and opinions on products.

There are also sophisticated tools assist shoppers in finding exactly what they want on the website. Not only can you search directly for what you want, in each category, like women's shoes, you can refine your search right down to type of shoe, colour, price, size, brands and even heel height! Perfect for shoppers who are out find something in particular or for those who simply like to browse all available shoes in their size.

Daniel Footwear's new site also makes it really easy to share your new purchases or any items you discover with a whole host of social media applications. You can blog about your new purchase or tell all your friends on Facebook you Like something, all without leaving the Daniel Footwear site! Besides showing your love for Daniel Footwear on Facebook and interacting on Twitter, you will also get exclusive privileges and discounts instantly when you sign up with a new account on the website.

Laura Craven
Mam House
Roseville Road
Leeds LS8 5DT
Phone: 0113 242 6555
Website: http://www.danielfootwear.com