New Affiliate Program offers the Highest Commission Rate in the Music Download Industry

Bochum, Germany August 19, 2009 -- The Bochum-based company, which focuses on the digital distribution of electronic dance music, now offers labels, artists, and fans the exclusivity to take part in their affiliate system. “Online marketing made through partner programs is still growing. This approach allows partners to profit from the use of target-specific content, guaranteed to reach the correct audience”, says Thimo U. Seidel, co-founder and CEO of DJTunes. The extensive music catalog and individual partner benefits provided by DJTunes have become incentives for many to want to join the affiliate program.

Every sale referred to the online store is rewarded with 20% of its net yield - a significant higher commission rate than those of the international industry standards. Additionally motivated publishers benefit from customized premium conditions. Becoming a partner is easy. Every new member gets started with the partner program after completing the free registration.

Individual advertising opportunities
Registered partners gain numerous advertising media tools and functionalities right at their fingertips from simple banners to the flexible API technology: „This allows even users without programming skills to construct an independent online music store free of charge“, Thimo U. Seidel says.
"Our partners have the opportunity to maximize their earnings by marketing their own content and increase awareness the fan of his favorite artist, the artist of his music, and the label of its product catalogue”, said Timo Becker also CEO of DJTunes. All important information such as support, real time sale statistics, statements, and technical requirements can be found in the partner section of the DJTunes website.