Title: Ash Bisht Partners Up With CarbonCopyPRO!

New York was buzzing today when news leaked out that Ash Bisht had become one of the newest marketers at CarbonCopyPRO. Ash Bisht, an expert internet marketer, joins an already power-packed lineup of entrepreneurs in the CarbonCopyPRO stable.

When Co-Founders Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson were asked for their opinion on Mr. Bisht they answered:

"We could not be more thrilled about Ash's decision to join us. Ash brings a unique, high energy approach to our community. Ash will be an asset to every other member from the first day he arrives."

CarbonCopyPRO has been on a tear lately. Their turn key "business in a box" has been the talk of the online world this year. The members of CarbonCopyPRO have set a challenging goal of creating 100 millionaires by 2012. Their unique approach of providing their members with pre-designed websites, auto responders, qualifying filters, and a high quality call center has dramatically increased the general success rate. People with little or no marketing experience are getting results they never thought possible.

Ash Bisht was quoted as saying "CarbonCopyPRO is hands down the simplest way to make money online. These guys are constantly improving their marketing system to stay ahead of the competition. I could not be happier about starting this new business."

CarbonCopyPRO is based in New York and their informational website is BESTBISHT.COM