The renowned online jeweler whitefleur has come out with huge discount offer on its diamond engagement rings as well as on other jewelries. The offer is in keeping with the festive mood of the people. The jeweler has said that the discount has further made the otherwise expensive diamond rings now easily accessible to everyone including those who are on a tight budget

According to the jeweler, its customers of diamond engagement rings and other jewellery can have a discount of £100 on purchasing of jewelry that is worth £600.

This discount offer is already on and the customers have responded well to it. The offer will last up to 31st March 2010. The discount is on offer for every type of jewelry including diamond engagement rings of all settings, three stone rings, solitaire engagement rings, wedding and anniversary rings and engagement rings. You can take advantage of the discounts on buying pearl necklaces, pendants and earrings as well.

Clearly, such huge offer of discount on total purchasing of diamond jewellery can save them greater amount of cash that they can spend on other personal purposes. Or, they can use the offer in buying costly diamond engagement rings that otherwise may not be within their reach. This is an opportunity for the budget people to buy the jewellery without much financial burden and they do not have to take out a loan for the jewelry. It is to be noted that the jeweler offers its diamond rings and other items at competitive rates. Now the discount has further reduced the costs substantially for the customers. For more information on the jewellery and for placing your order, please visit