Lions Club of Mumbai Carter Road has embarked on a vision for providing Clean Drinking Water as a part of its charter of activities for this year and times to come. In this regard, they have aligned with Aquatic Treatment Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. (ATS India), an innovation based water filtration technology and Applications Company with corporate headquarters in Mumbai.

In one such endeavor, both Lions Club of Mumbai Carter Road and ATS India have partnered to offer Clean Drinking Water at Yusuf Meherally Centre situated at Tara near Panvel in Raigad District. The system was inaugurated on September 20, 2009 by Past District Governor Lion Nitin Khambatti, Dr.G.G.Parikh of Yusuf Meherally Centre and Lion mr. Jagdish Capoor, President of Lions Club of Mumbai Carter Road.

Speaking on the Lion Jagdish Capoor, said “It was ATS India‘s approach and their commitment towards the cause that pulled us to align with them.” Capoor is an eminent banker and has been the Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India. He is presently the Chairman of HDFC Bank Ltd and The Stock Exchange, Bombay.

Dr G G Parikh, an octogenarian, has a relentless pursuit for sustainable rural development and said “the implementation of this system will go a long way in providing better health and safe drinking water to the rural populace”.

“We in partnership with ATS India endeavor to provide clean drinking water irrespective of the strata of the society and make a strong impact. This is a path breaking project for us and we will strive to do many more like this” said Lion J K Babla, Chairman of the Trustees Board of Lions Club of Mumbai Carter Road and al also the Chairman of the Committee on Africa Trade of the Export Promotion Council of India.

Subramanya Kusnur, Chairman of ATS India said “We are committed to work with partners who help us further our cause of providing clean drinking water to one and all and also facilitate address the children in particular by implementing such systems in schools. Children are the future of our country and clean drinking water is one of their fundamental rights, leading to better health and well being.”

“Our system will treat 15000 litres of water daily and this project is been jointly taken by Lions Club of Mumbai Carter Road, Yusuf Meherally Centre and ourselves. This project will benefit over 4000 people daily with Clean Drinking Water” said Sathya Rao, Vice Chairman, ATS India.

The ATS India approach towards addressing water treatment is one of an integrated one encompassing water testing, system design, building the system, implementation, operations & maintenance. “Our unique technology is based on an adsorption process and there is no requirement of power. Also the system post treatment does not emit any waste thereby making it completely environment friendly. The approach is to identify the contaminant profile based on which the requisite adsorption media is created. ATS systems offer a safe, green and effective solution to remove contamination from drinking water” said Dr. Avinash Kadam, Chief Scientific Officer & Head Innovation, ATS India. Dr. Kadam holds a doctorate in water technology from IIT Powai, Mumbai.

The Chief Guest of the event PDG Lion Nitin Khambatti congratulated all for this landmark project and urged Corporates to partner with such projects under their Corporate Social Responsibility programs. He also congratulated Subramanya Kusnur on continuing service to the community. “Subramanya was the charter member of Leo Club of Mumbai Carter Road and continued his service with Lionism and has been responsible for this project.

The event was well attended by Lions, members of Yusuf Meherally, Corporate Leaders and a large number of rural folk with over 30 children listening to the program in rapt attention.

For more information, please contact:

Head Corporate Affairs
Aquatic Treatment Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd.
502, Sunil Enclave,
Pereira Hill Road
Andheri (East)
Mumbai 400 093

Tel : +91 22 2831 6111 +91 22 2831 6111
Fax : +91 22 2831 6555
Email : [email protected]
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