completes its initial phase of providing basic management education to regular people providing useful information on various management aspects completed its initial phase of providing basic management inputs to regular people. started with an objective to help aspiring managers to improve their practical management skills. The information addresses those who have not studied management but are striving to be good managers in real life. strongly focuses on the fact that management competence cannot be achieved only by obtaining a degree. Management-guru stresses that management competence is all about practice just like medicine and law. also maintains profiles of champion managers, which drives home the point that an MBA degree is not required to become successful in business and a good manager. These managers with no formal education in management and through their competence and revolutionary management thoughts achieved significant milestones and took their companies to new heights. It also provides useful articles on fundamental topics such as Managerial roles and functions, Management styles, and books for starting Managers etc. Thoughtful insights on useful topics such as professionalism and management concepts given on are useful and help the Management students to have a practical feel of management. is currently focusing on providing information on basic management concepts that are functional and can help non-MBAs to improve their managerial skill set. Besides, provide collection of good quotes organized on specific topics such as basic management, self productivity, personal management, project management, initiative etc.
In the future, plans to provide knowledgeable articles on fundamental management concepts such as time management, prioritization etc. These articles will be actionable and can be easily implemented at any level of management.
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The goal of is to impart management knowledge to the people who do not have a management degree but are interested and want to learn about management. This could also be helpful to students to get practical feel of management. This could also act as a reference for managers and people in any kind of management role. However, primary goal of website is to serve the needs of regular people seeking to understand management. Most importantly, let them know that management competence cannot be achieved by obtaining a degree. Management competence is all about practice just like medicine and law.