Creating interactive and dynamic web pages is possible with the help of PHP. This powerful tool is highly efficient and widely use. This scripting language for creating web pages is server side, which means the code is executed on the server, open source and free.

PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. In combination with MySQL, PHP can be used to create both small websites and the very large corporate portals.

The term PHP stands for “Personal Home Page”. This language was first created as a simple platform for scripting and is today a stiff competitor to Microsoft‘s ASP or Active Server Pages.

On UNIX and Linux web servers, PHP is used along with MySQL database. It can also be embedded into HTML. This flexibility of usage is the reason why this scripting language and interpreter is very popular and available for free.

Many websites online offer PHP tutorials that teach you how to execute scripts on the server and explains PHP tags.

Sites such as offer step by step instructions on dealing with debugging. Here you can learn how to solve simple syntax, logical, database and fatal errors commonly found in forums by making minor changes to the PHP script.

PHP tutorials online also teach you how to effectively implement design patterns such as Singleton and Singleton Registry, Value Object and Strategy and Bridge using PHP scripts. Tutorials also teach how to effectively handle XML data, create Facebook application, use Suhosin to harden PHP, basic pagination using PHP, PHP security, loops and database handling.

Free PHP tutorials online also teach users how to add state to a stateless protocol with Sessions and Cookies, parse PHP in HTML pages without .htaccess, method of getting thumb image post and much more.

These tutorials are comprehensive and offered in a well structured and easy to understand format. For more details, visit