Austin, TX ( 12PressRelease ) August 20, 2009 A new website was recently launched to help consumers find the best cellulite cream ( for their needs. The website,, contains cellulite cream reviews of all the top products, ranking them on a number of categories. Based on these actual user reviews, the team behind the website identifies which products work and which products consumers should avoid.

“I decided to launch because my clients are always asking me to recommend a product that will help them get rid of cellulite once and for all,” explains Liz Reed, a licensed aesthetician. “Since I‘m always receiving samples of these cellulite creams, I decided to form a group of women to put these products to the test. This website is the result of these tests.”

The cellulite cream reviews ( grade products on a number of factors. First and foremost, the women in the test group each shared their results after trying the creams for several weeks. This answers the ultimate question of “Does this cellulite cream work?”

Reed also shares her insight about each of the cellulite cream‘s ingredient list.

“The right ingredients are the key to any successful skin care product,” remarks Reed. “After spending years in this business, I can tell you which ingredients produce results and which are just filler.”

Lastly, the cellulite cream reviews discuss the price and ordering process of buying the product.

“Look, you should never choose a cellulite cream based on price alone,” says Reed. “But the simple truth is we all have a budget to consider. My goal with these reviews is to help consumers get the best value for their dollar. That‘s why I share information with them about finding free trials of certain cellulite creams and other money saving tips.”

So far, several cellulite creams have been tested by Reed‘s panel. The best cellulite cream to date is RevitaShape, with Revitol ( trailing slightly behind.

“Without a doubt, RevitaShape has stolen the show of our tests,” exclaims Reed. “Within just a few short weeks, almost all of the women on RevitaShape had gotten rid of their cellulite completely.”

New cellulite cream reviews are constantly being added to Check back often for the latest information.

Liz Reed
Marketing Director
3005 S Lamar Blvd Suite D109
Austin TX, 78704
(512) 707-8600
