The total global next-generation display market is expected to be worth US$16.9 billion by 2014, out of which the Asia market will account for nearly 42% of the total revenues. The global market is expected to record a CAGR of 20% from 2009 to 2014.

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The advances in nanotechnology and optoelectronics resulted in the introduction of next-generation display products. The next-generation display market comprises of those displays that consume lesser power than CRT, LCD, and plasma technologies.

Environmental concerns are driving the need for greener and low-power-consuming display systems. Efficient and advanced display systems with enhanced image quality and lower power consumption is the need of the hour.

In 2008, the market size of next-generation display components was $6 billion that is expected to grow exponentially by 2014 because of the increasing use of the next generation display components in consumer electronics. This revenue potential highlights the immense opportunity in the next-generation display market.

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