As lifestyles change,digital outdoor entertainment more and more get the welcome of consumer.It can be said that Many families have been gradually accustomed to participation in recreational activities, outdoor activities to replace indoor activity,so many people choose waterproof outdoor tv for outdoor entertainment,it will be a huge change in consumption trends.Besides, More and more public places in the United States forbid smoking.In order to boost business,many bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants are now installing outdoor TV systems for smoker. Though some consumers may consider outdoor TV an unnecessary device that would primarily used just for show and not for actual use,but this year is World Cup year.many people choose to go to bar for the World Cup watching,And even some football clubs organize the member to watch the world cup this particular innovative appliance is obviously becoming more and more popular for the nature lover and the outdoor enthusiast.Although it was expensive, it can also provide much benefit in terms of viewing enjoyment and to deliver more value through provide video services.Some models of outdoor TV can be mounted on walls of screened porches or patio while some can be mounted on aluminum poles for those who wish to have television viewing in their backyard or by the can now invite friends in for a visit,or organize the party.Therefore, you and your friends would be able to enjoy the beer while watching the World Cup, experiencing the dual enthusiasm brought by beer and football,while the little ones run around with Their football.enjoying the sunset with a glass of wine or a romantic breakfast with your loved one during sunrise and enjoy their outdoor TV.The outdoor tv users do not have to worry about potential damage,because It's been carefully designed.The all-weather surfaces that are able to resist wind, moisture, dirt, scratches, and yes, even a pouring rain.Outdoor TV models also have connectivity with other video sources such as CD and DVD players or connect with computer to watch network TV by using the outdoor TV. so movie viewing can now be enjoyed outside with friends and family.