Since the 1950‘s the popularity of Pop Art canvas art has been on the rise in the United Kingdom and in the United States. This distinct form of art has been continuously mimicked and it has become mainstream over the past decade. This type of youthful, soulful and eccentric type of artwork has been making waves in the art community for years and has become a common staple in homes throughout the world.

Pop Art canvas art has made a mark in the world of art since its conception in America and in Britain in the 1950‘s. Since its introduction into the world of art, many great artists have paved the way for future generations of artists who dabbled in this genre of art. There are several Pop Art canvas pieces that are easily recognized by art lovers around the world. These include Glag by Jasper Johns, Campbell‘s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol, Still Life by Tom Wesselmann, Three Machines by Wayne Thiebaud, Soft Bathtub by Claes Oldenburg, Bigger Splash by David Hockney, Vincent With Open Mouth by Alex Katz, and The Robe Following Her by Jim Dine.

These artists and works of art are what turned Pop Art canvas art into a worldwide phenomenon. These artists inspired a generation of art lovers to decorate their homes and businesses with the bright, clean, and crisp canvas art pieces that define Pop Art. Younger generations and age brackets of individuals between 18 years of age and 30 years of age, seem to feel that Pop Art speaks for them more than any other type of art found in present day society.

Pop art canvas is known for its simplicity and ease. This type of art is considered to be simplistic in nature and in some cases only features a focal point with lightly colored space surrounding a single object. This unique and clean look feels organized and does not cause the onlooker to over think what appears in the image. Though bold statements can be found in this type of art, it is generally thought that Pop Art does not have a hidden message or emotion behind its look and feel. It simply “is”.

There are numerous places that a person can turn to when they decide that they want to decorate and design their home around the Pop Art phenomenon. Many people will seek out simple prints and paintings for sale at their local department store or mall, while others will seek out the originality and uniqueness of Pop Art found in galleries in their local area.

Others have found that finding Pop Art at online galleries is by and far more effective than finding paintings for sale at local galleries. Additionally, the price of Pop Art paintings for sale and prints at online retailers is much more affordable than purchasing this type of art work at a gallery. This is due to the cost of running and operating an “in person” art gallery. Local art gallery owners who offer paintings for sale, have to pass on the additional fees in their paintings for sale to buyers in order to cover their overheads unlike online galleries that have no overheads.

When it comes to paintings for sale: , the pop art canvas: variety of artwork is appealing to people who are looking for a more modern and creative feel to the room they are decorating.