121Speech (http://www.121Speech.com), have made public future plans to be unleashed in the upcoming months of 2009. Craig Jull, director of 121 released details outlining intended changes and capabilities to enhance the company‘s market share of online Spanish lessons.

After recently signing a contract partnering with Maximo Nivel last month, internal changes are under way to make the transition quickly and efficiently as possible.

Maximo Nivel have acquired ownership of Spanish language center located in Antigua Guatemala, to continue their expansion into other countries of Latin America. This adds a 3rd location from where they conduct operations, teaching Spanish along with TESOL. Physical ownership of the school should occur mid September with the legal paperwork already in process. Many changes will be happening in the Antigua school, with a full renovation of the current building located at 6 Avenida Norte #16 a in Antigua Guatemala. This will entail planning as it will continued to be used as the main base of operations for 121Speech‘s online Spanish classes. Advertising will be reduced to a minimum by the Spanish language center while the renovations are taking place to control the inflow of new students, so work can be completed on time. Final completion date still has not been decided, at this stage is projected for late October 2009.

121speech are currently updating and expanding computer equipment and cameras. This is part of current and future plans to constantly be the market leader in Online Spanish lessons. Craig Jull has made this a priority to have nothing but the best quality of online class that technology coupled with experienced Spanish tutors can produce. “The new Logitec 9000 cameras and doubling of our internet bandwidth, is producing outstanding results in online video quality and reliability”. “ In conjunction to this the curriculum used by 121 has under gone changes to facilitate ease of use and compatibility with both teacher and student” , reports Craig.

121 Speech has as dedicated staff to a full time advertising program, designed to raise the online awareness of their service and status amongst other more formal tutoring programs. Craig has utilized staff from around the world to reduce costs in this new program. Some of the employee‘s locales are from distant countries such as Bangladesh, Holland, Peru and Austin Texas USA. Skype video conferencing is a major key in allowing him to stay in constant contact with his staff on a daily basis. This is the same technology that powers their Online Spanish classes.

To ease the process of training new online Spanish teachers from the partnership with Maximo Nivel , 121Speech has flown staff from Guatemala to Maximo‘s main base in Cusco Peru. Currently training is in progress and should be completed by the end of August. Current students are given free Spanish lessons with the training teachers on a random basis. This will ensure when Spanish lessons start from Cusco that the quality will be in line with 121 Speech standards.

Maximo Nivel has dedicated sections of their school in Cusco Peru solely for the purpose of an online Spanish school. This has included new computers, upgraded server, noise reducing materials, new cameras and noise reducing microphones. Ken Jones founder of Maximo Nivel shares Craig‘s commitment of bring to the student the highest of quality Internet class possible. “We have not spared any expense in the name of giving students the best online Spanish class to date”. In conjunction to this ongoing research has continuing on sourcing new file sharing programs, updates and new areas to enhance customer service.

121Speech is a firm believer in the future growth of online classrooms as a major contributor in assisting students to get a global education. The world continues to remove barriers of time, distance and communication. 121Speech stands to be the hub of a digital world where we break down physical barriers to release a wealth of information.