Belfast, North Ireland - Aortic aneurysm can prove to be fatal and it should be screened regularly to chart its growth rate. Aortic aneurysm is condition where by the affected individual develops weakened bulging areas in the aorta. Aorta is one of the major blood vessels that takes the blood from the heart to the other parts of the body. At times aortic aneurysm will require emergency surgery before they rupture. If aortic aneurysm occurs in the chest, its symptoms are often mistaken for heart attack.
The common health care procedure for Aortic aneurysm is to go for regular aortic aneurysm screening ultrasound tests. 3fivetwo offers comprehensive aortic aneurysm screening services that will help patients to keep track of their condition and get timely medical attention. 3fivetwo operates from three strategically located clinics in the most convenient parts of Belfast, Northern Ireland. All the three clinics provide a highly friendly environment to the patients. The first of the three facilities are located at South Belfast near Royal Victoria, the second one in Belfast City and the third one in Mater and Lagan Valley Hospitals.
3fivetwo is known for its highly professional medical environment. This does not mean that they are friendly in any way. All the patients are cordially received at all the three clinics. They have a fine blend of professionalism and friendly approach. Extra efforts are taken to provide a relaxed environment for all the patients.
3fivetwo clinics are the best health care centers in Belfast for aortic aneurysm screening ultrasound tests. They have the best facilities available in Northern Ireland with private consulting rooms, welcoming waiting and reception areas, minor operation and treatment rooms, medical imaging and diagnostic rooms.
They offer various packages for aortic aneurysm screening to suit everyone‘s requirements. They have five packages: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Healthy Heart Package. Patients can conveniently book their appointments online for any of the packages by filling the appointments form. Once this form is filled online, 3fivetwo staff will call back the patients in the suggested time to finalize the appointment. They have all the latest equipment required for complete screening of aortic aneurysm.
Being one of the highly professional health care centers, they maintain high level of confidentiality - patients' details are treated with utmost care, highest level security and discretion. 3fivetwo offers all its medical services at the most affordable prices. It is just not about prices, but the experience of the staff also matters a great deal. 3fivetwo is well staffed and the staff are highly experienced. They can be easily reached through phone as well as through emails. For more information on Aortic Aneurysm Screening Ultrasound tests and other medical services visit,