Warm Diwali Greetings!
On 15th of October, the six Rotaractors, namely, Shekhar Bhatra (Vice President), Amit Agarwal (Treasurer), Neha Bhatra, Avinash Jain, Farida Sultana and Neha Sharma of Rotaract Club of Guwahati Midtown visited an old age home named “Aamar Ghar” located away from the main city which is a home for 16 elderly individuals who are supposedly forgotten in the mad rush towards modernity to celebrate Diwali with the old people out there. Surprisingly, 14 of the old people were females and 2 were males. The Rotaractors reached the venue at 3:30 pm and stayed there till 7 pm.
The Rotaractors lit up “Aamar ghar” with ´Diyas‘ and offered some light refreshments to the people out there. All the old people out there shared their experience with the Rotaractors. The people out there were highly glad to see the Rotaractors who came to their home and lighted their evening with ´Diyas‘. They later enjoyed Diwali with the old people by lighting noiseless crackers. They were really happy with the efforts of Rotaractors and thanked them for bringing some joy in their life. They requested the Rotaractors to come again next Diwali and the rotaractors promised them the same. Before bidding adieu the Rotaractors gifted them a wall painting which was painted by Farida Sultana.
Thanking you,
Rotaract Club of Guwahati Midtown

Address: c/o Shekhar Bhatra, Aditya Press Building, M.S. Road, Fancy Bazar,
Guwahati-1 Contact No. 9864821237