Need A “Real” Short Sale Program That Works?

Frustrated With Your Current Offerings?

Confused, and Just Need Something that‘s Simple & Produces MASSIVE Results?

We have a Proven Program that is Simple to Understand & WORKS!!!

No Investment to be a Part of Our Program!

No Negotiations with the Bank, we do all the Heavy Lifting for You!

No Wasted Time with Low Ball, Pie in The Sky Offers!

We Guarantee Commissions Even if Lender Will Not Pay 6%!

We Buy Properties That Need Short Sale Approvals Where the Value of the Property is Typically in the Range of $100,000 to $2,000,000 !

We Pay Cash and Provide Proof of Funds to Lenders These Are REAL OFFERS!

We Contract To Purchase so Negotiations with Lender(s) can Begin!

We do the Negotiations with the Lender(s) so you can Spend Your Time Finding Sellers and Buyers, and Cashing Commission Checks!

We have all of the Documents for the Distressed Homeowner to Sign that Enable Successful Short Sales to be Underwritten and Closed!

We Work with Highly Experienced Title Companies!

In Short We buy the property. We do the negotiations. We guarantee your commission. And, we are looking to close multiple transactions with participating realtors.

To learn more please fill out the “Contact Form” on our partner page.

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