“XpertConnect Connecting Xpert Institutions with Xpert Minds”

Factorial Solutions Pte. Ltd., Singapore based HR Consulting and Executive Search firm, now introduces one stop Xpert search services, the XpertConnect.

XpertConnect is a research firm which assists private equity, hedge funds and consulting organizations to get connected with industry leaders or Xperts as they call it. Xperts are hand picked from various industry verticals in order to help clients develop a comprehensive understanding and pedantry knowledge about a particular industry segment, before making investment/strategic business decisions.

“XpertConnect.Com is not a typical professional networking site where anyone and everyone can create his or her profile. At XpertConnect, we screen each and every member before he/she can register, thereby ensuring that the weed is cut out and only serious Xperts are made members who are available for meaningful consultation with some of the worlds best consulting firms including private equity and hedge funds” says founder & CEO Amit Parashar who started his initiative under the banner of Factorial Solutions in Singapore in the year 2002.

Unlike Linkedin, SiliconIndia, Brijj or any other professional/social networking site all member Xperts get opportunities to advise clients based on their experience and knowledge about a particular industry vertical and get paid handsomely for their time. Besides financial rewards which vary from 300 to 500 US$ per hour for phone consultations, members also get a platform to get connected with other Xperts on the site and thus enhance their network of contacts in the industry.

For more information you may visit www.XpertConnect.com