Williamstown, NJ ( 12PressRelease ) November 03, 2009 Stress Management expert and entrepreneur, Linda Hampton of www.KeyToStressFreeLiving.com is celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month, throughout the month of October with a free giveaway event at www.StopStressBeatCancer.com.

According to Hampton, “Researchers have found 75 90% of all doctors visits are for stress related illness including cancer.” Business owners who reduce their stress are more effective, resulting in a more financially successful business.

Hampton invited small business experts from around the globe to provide free tools, e-books, recordings, and more that small business owners and entrepreneurs can use to help them reduce stress the more effectively in their businesses with customers, clients and prospects. The free gifts can be picked up at http://www.StopStressBeatCancer.com throughout the month until October 31.

Free gifts include tips and techniques for:
• private label rights
• e-book creation
• writing and publishing a book to market a business
• search engine optimization
• public speaking
• and so much more.

Hampton, runs a Stress Management consulting and coaching business in Southern New Jersey. Hampton has been an health care administrator for over a decade around the New Jersey area and is the author of an e-books, Curing Toxic Stress. She teaches teleseminars and works with private clients on improving the quality of their life by managing your stress.

For further details about the giveaway honoring breast cancer during October Breast Cancer Awareness Month visit http://www.StopStressBeatCancer.com or call Hampton at 856-875-8365

Linda Hampton RN MSN
Key To Stress Free Living
[email protected]
