Wholesale Leather Handbags Inc., the most popular China leather handbag factory stands out in the fierce international online business market, due to the successful China-US way that the management applied to run the business.


Thousands of online businesses emerge every day on the Internet. It is not easy to survive in the furious market, not to mention to succeed. The successful example of a China leather handbag factory Wholesale Leather Handbags Inc. ( shares its applicable way of running a popular online wholesale handbags business.

“Applicable management system is the key to success when it comes to run a business outside the States.” Said Bill Roy, the ABC (American Born Chinese) CEO of Wholesale Leather Handbags Inc., shared his success when interviewed by one of the most successful business magazines, Business Week, last week.

The “applicable management system” that Bill applies to run the China located wholesale handbags company is a “combo” of most common China and USA business management ways: strict employee evaluation system & humane management system.

The management level is well aware that a strict employee evaluation system is the most important to run Wholesale Leather Handbags Inc. and make it a successful international level business. “The reason that many of China factories fail or remain unsuccessful,” revealed Bill, “is because they are not strict enough to themselves.” Bill‘s China handbags wholesale factory sticks to a most strict evaluation system that back to the United States every outstanding business upholds to. The evaluation system includes production quality, sales volume, customer service evaluation, etc which held twice every week. This system helps employees grow in a fast way, and the business grows like a snowball.

Another management system that Bill applies to his China handbags factory is a humane management system. To run a business well in China, meaning to a certain degree, you need to follow or comply with the local culture. Chinese people value humane and harmonious working relationship. The handbags wholesale company endeavors to offer flexible working hours, friendly working environment and pleasing welfare in every Chinese traditional festival. Everyone working with feels he or she is valued as a Chinese and in returns they highly follow the company culture.

To apply a strict employee evaluation system is to grow a culture that “everyone is a contribution to the company”, while the humane management system tells that “company values every talent”. The two supplement each other and work out a successful China-US style leather handbags factory.

About Bill Roy and Wholesale Leather Handbags Inc.:
Bill Roy, American born Chinese, CEO of Wholesale Leather Handbags (, warded the Top 10 Most Successful CEO of Medium-small Business in 2008. He started this leather handbags factory located in China insist the management theory of strict USA style and humane China style, which grows the company into a most popular and outstanding international online handbags wholesale business.

Wholesale Leather Handbags Inc.
222 Grace Church Street,
Suite 302. # 1234,
Port Chester, NY 10573, USA
Toll Free: 1 (800) 717 1358
[email protected]