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The Black Hole Experiments is the name of the first of two science fiction stories of journeys that go beyond the realms of the universe, and it begins, at the end of the twenty-first century, with a group of astronauts, scientists, with the United Nations Space Agency, operating expeditions into unexplored territories on Mars, who stumble upon a mysterious metallic sphere, with a pulsating vibration ...
At first they assume that it is the remains of a probe or an earlier expedition. Except, when they analyse its surface, they find that it is older than any of them thought possible.
They cannot determine its origins, and they take it back to the Earth to allow other scientists to investigate it.
A flickering beam, which they fire at it, triggers it to unlock and reveal that its inner forces, by the manipulation of gravitational forces, are suspending a miniature black hole.
At a United Nations Space Agency laboratory leading scientists carry out experiments on it. Except an accident occurs, at an exhibition of it, and scientists enter it, and travel out beyond the realms of the universe ...

In Beyond Space and Time an entity, taking the form of a life form, travels from beyond the boundaries of space and time, on a voyage to the far reaches of the universe, and, on its exploration of the galaxy, crashes into the Earth.
Millions of years later, archaeologists discover it, in its form of spacecraft, concealed in a cave, below the ruins of a castle, over a sea cliff, in Cornwall.
A vital control gets damaged, sending it hurtling into space, and it plunges into the stars, with them trapped on board, trying in vain to repair it.
In the depths of the universe they encounter weird life forms; including one that has the dimensions of a small galaxy, which floats in a deep void, stretching thousands of light years of space, formed out of masses of energy, left from the big bang.
It travels endlessly on, into the depths of the universe, to where it came from, beyond the universe ...

Notes for editors

Book Details

Name: The Black Hole Experiments
Genre: Science Fiction
Format: Paperback
Pages: 210
Author: Victor Bertolaccini
Publisher: Authors OnLine Ltd
Publishing Date: 22nd June 2008
ISBN: 978-07552-1150-0

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More Books by Victor Bertolaccini:

From Beyond Space and Time
The Haunting of Grovnor Castle
The Sicilian Scenario

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For Further Press Information Contact:

Richard Fitt
Authors OnLine Ltd
Email: [email protected]