Oberhausen, Germany - The Cylex Business Directory USA is one of the largest online business directories in the US. This business directory operates at a massive level serving as one of the most resourceful websites online for those who would like to find some businesses and services for their various needs. All the information is just a few clicks away from the users. This business directory features over 14,000,000 companies with detailed descriptions on each one of them. This directory is searchable for over 1 billion keywords. People that are looking for Yellowpages USA will find this directory to be more comprehensive. Unlike the other directories, the Cylex Business Directory USA keeps its database up to date. No out dated information can be found in this directory. There are hundreds of business directories in the US and one of the drawbacks of these directories is that as the size of the directory starts growing bigger, they fail to keep their directory updated. Eventually all the searches produce results with outdated information, links that do not work, phone numbers that are not active anymore, etc. All these can result in user frustration. The Cylex Business Directory USA is an exceptional site and it does not have all these problems. It is one of the best-maintained business directories in the US.

This directory is much more than a business directory. It is more of a community portal that includes product and company review. This directory features reviews of companies and services from the users.

Users can signup for a free account in this directory and share their reviews on products and services based on their personal experience. Thus, this directory also serves as a great information-sharing portal on all top brands, products and services. Each listing includes address, contact information, description of the company and maps to access them This is a very interactive directory, which allows users to contact companies through this directory.

Users will be able to make well-informed decisions about choosing a service or buying a product based on the user reviews. Users will be able to make their searches based on the name of the companies, name of the products or based on a particular location. This directory uses a very powerful search engine that fetches accurate results for the searches made. This directory also welcomes user reviews on the companies and their products listed here. No other directory is as elaborate and as comprehensive as The Cylex Business Directory USA. The best part about this directory is that it is an absolutely free directory offering the best information available on each company listed For more information, visit http://www.cylex-usa.com