Gentle Plumbing has been going through some changes lately. We have taken a move into the 21st century with the latest in drain cleaning equipment and products, such as Bioclean. Another recent change is the introduction of guaranteed pricing; we are now able to give you an upfront price before we start any work so there are no nasty surprises! Hope to hear from you soon.

Rainwater tanks and Heat pump rebates

Hot water rebate

Water heating is the biggest energy user in most NSW homes. By switching from an electric to a climate-friendly hot water system, you could save up to three tones of greenhouse gas emissions from your home each year and $300 on your energy bills.

Rebates of up to $3300 (conditions apply)

The rebate for solar and heat pump hot water systems is based on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions saved, determined by the eligibility of your system for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

Apart from being manufactured and owned by Australia, DUX hot water heaters have plenty going for them, such as their energy ratings being the best in the country! Check out their heat pump!

If you are experiencing long delays waiting for your hot water, we can install an inline pipe to deliver hot water instantly!

Rainwater tank rebate

Up to 40% of a household‘s water use can be replaced with rainwater. By using rainwater every day to flush toilets and wash clothes, you will save more drinking.

The rebate provides up to $1500, depending on the size of the tank and whether it is connected to toilets and washing machines.

You can also make the most of your hot water system by using it efficiently:
• Install a water-efficient shower head showering makes up more than 30% of hot water use in the home.
• Fix dripping taps a dripping tap can waste 1000 liters of hot water a month.

Call us for more information on 1300 2 PLUMB

Finance is now available!

“No Deposit & No interest for 12 months”1
Have some problem drains but can‘t afford to have them fixed up?
Want to replace your old hot water service with a heat pump before it dies?
Now you can!

The paperwork is so easy and only takes 15 minutes, the serviceman can help you fill out the paperwork onsite and get approval then and there.

For Further information please contact Mr Scott Donald, Gentle Plumbing Services Pty Ltd,02 9596 1999 or visit for hot water systems.