Most people, including drivers in car accidents, do not realise that anyone who has been involved in an accident through no fault of their own is entitled to make a claim for compensation. Of course most road traffic accident claims are for whiplash and typical types of claims made include; whiplash, most commonly caused by car accidents, passenger accidents, work related accidents, holiday accidents and claims for medical negligence.

Nathan Jones a spokesman for said: “Many drivers and their passengers are simply unaware that every person travelling in a car involved in an accident has the right to make a personal injury claim”

“Even passengers under the age of 18 years can make a claim if their parents choose to claim on their behalf.”

“We make this information clearly available via our web site via our ´Can I Claim Compensation‘ page - - we try to answer all the questions people might have when thinking about making a personal injury claim.”

Nathan Jones continued: “The whiplash claim compensation amount that you may be entitled to depends on your exact circumstance so we encourage people to complete our free claim valuation form. This enables us to do the hard work for anyone wanting to begin their whiplash claim today.” in partnership with SGM Solicitors; who are regulated by The Ministry of Justice, provides specialist car accident claim advice.